Monday, August 17, 2009

TONIGHT'S Craft Night!!!

Potluck/Craft Night
at Maria's
1240 Autumn Ridge Ct, Morton
(call Maria if you need directions: cell 648-2457)

Can't wait to see you all there!

Updated food list:

->bring enough for 15 people
-pizza dough/crust - Brittany
-pizza sauce -Katie & Heidi
-mozzarella cheese -Haley
-olives -Haley
-pepperoni -Haley
-chips -Tess
-fruit -Maria
-veggies - Lindsey
-salad -Whittney
-dressing -Whittney
-chocolate chip cookie dough -Lindsay
-cast iron skillets - Taryn
-ice cream -Katie & Heidi
-hot fudge -Katie & Heidi

Heather: flowers
I will bring the fabric and beads that I have. If you want a certain fabric, bring it. It needs to be synthetic, a silky or polyester works best. Old shirts from Goodwill or Salvation Army store work really good and they are super cheap. If you are buying fabric, Wal Mart or Hobby Lobby have good selections and are the cheapest (don't bother with JoAnne's- it's really expensive and doesn't singe good). You will only need 1/4 yard of fabric. If you want to make your flower into a headband, bring the headband. I've got ponytail holders and brooch backs that I will bring.

Lindsey & Katie: Scrapbook Notebooks
Bring a notebook, magazines for cut outs, and scrap book materials. These two creative girls will show us how to construct a creative notebook to use as a journal or for school!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

MBTI info

*Make sure you check the post before this one- updated info for the Potluck/Craft Night on the 17th!!


Here are some websites that I've used to get info on the MBTI.

**I must give Taryn credit as she most likely found these and sent the links to me.

Love & prayers,


Monday, August 10, 2009

Potluck/Craft Night

Potluck/Craft Night

at Maria's
1240 Autumn Ridge Ct, Morton
(call Maria if you need directions: cell 648-2457)

Come for a potluck supper and the much requested Craft Night.
We're making pizzas, so bring any toppings not listed that you like.
Comment to let us know what item(s) you will bring.

*Lindsay- Whatever is easiest for you. As long as it involves sugar and chocolate, we will love it!
*Whittney- Caramel sounds delicious!

->bring enough for 15 people
-pizza dough/crust
-pizza sauce -Katie & Heidi
-mozzarella cheese -Haley
-olives -Haley
-pepperoni -Haley
-chips -Tess
-fruit -Maria
-salad -Whittney
-dressing -Whittney
-chocolate chip cookie dough -Lindsay
-cast iron skillets - Taryn
-ice cream -Katie & Heidi
-hot fudge -Katie & Heidi

You need to comment and let us know what your craft is. Also, let us know if you plan to bring all the supplies for the craft or if everyone will need to bring their own supplies. If they need to bring supplies, specify what the supplies are.

Heather: flowers
I will bring the fabric and beads that I have. If you want a certain fabric, bring it. It needs to be synthetic, a silky or polyester works best. Old shirts from Goodwill or Salvation Army store work really good and they are super cheap. If you are buying fabric, Wal Mart or Hobby Lobby have good selections and are the cheapest (don't bother with JoAnne's- it's really expensive and doesn't singe good). You will only need 1/4 yard of fabric. If you want to make your flower into a headband, bring the headband. I've got ponytail holders and brooch backs that I will bring.

Tess' address

Tess' adress is...

1100 S. Cummings Ln
Washington, IL 61571

See you all at 7pm tonight!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Mark your calendars!

Week 9
(final week of LYWB)
Tess' house in Washington
This will be our last official bible study of this session.

Potluck/Craft Night

Maria's house in Morton
Come for a potluck supper and the much requested Craft Night.
We're making pizzas, so bring any toppings not listed.
Comment to let us know what item(s) you will bring.

->bring enough for 15 people
-pizza dough/crust
-pizza sauce -Katie & Heidi
-mozzarella cheese -Haley
-olives -Haley
-pepperoni -Haley
-chips -Tess
-fruit -Maria
-salad -Whittney
-dressing -Whittney
-chocolate chip cookie dough -Lindsay
-cast iron skillets - Taryn
-ice cream -Katie & Heidi
-hot fudge -Katie & Heidi

I can't remember who all had ideas for crafts, so you'll need to comment and let us know what your craft is. Also, let us know if you plan to bring all the supplies for the craft or if everyone will need to bring their own supplies. If they need to bring supplies, specify what the supplies are.

Heather: flowers
I will bring the fabric and beads that I have. If you want a certain fabric, bring it. It needs to be synthetic, a silky or polyester works best. Old shirts from Goodwill or Salvation Army store work really good and they are super cheap. If you are buying fabric, Wal Mart or Hobby Lobby have good selections and are the cheapest (don't bother with JoAnne's- it's really expensive and doesn't singe good).

Tess & Maria- can you leave your address in a comment? Thanks!!


Monday, August 3rd

Eli's Coffee
Upstairs (2nd floor)
205 W Jefferson in Morton


Weeks 7 & 8

Monday, July 20, 2009


Here is your reminder for tonight (Monday, July 20th).

Meet @ Schick's @ 5:00pm to head to Michelle's benefit at the Kewanee Pizza Hut. They are having an all you can eat buffet (YUMM!). I am not sure of the cost. I would assume somewhere around $8-$10.

If you live in/close to Morton we will meet at Morton church @ 4:15pm. Be on time or you may get left!! I (Heather) will be meeting there and if you need to get a hold of me, my cell is 256-1086.

We plan to be back at Schick's around 7:30pm to start Bible study. If you can't make it to the benefit, still come to review the week with us!!

And due to popular request, we will plan a CRAFT NIGHT! This means you need to bring your calendars/planners/date books/cell phones (whatever you keep your schedule in) so we can set a date!

Alright. That's all.

See you tonight!!

Love & prayers,
Heather & Taryn

Thursday, July 16, 2009

*CHANGE of schedule for July 20th -BENEFIT!

This coming Monday (July 20th) there is a fudraiser for Michelle Loesch. Several GBS girls are friends with Michelle and we've been praying for her as she battles cancer.

The fundraiser is at the Pizza Hut in Kewanee from 5:00pm-7:00pm.

We will meet at Schick's at 5:00pm and drive over the Kewanee together.

Anyone who lives in or close to Morton, we will meet at Morton church @ 4:15pm. Please be on time. If you plan to come and don't want to be left, leave a message so we plan on you.

I know it's earlier than usual, but we get to spend time together, eat, and support a wonderful woman in her battle with cancer!!

After the benefit we will go back to Schick's and do week 6 in LYWB.

If you can't come to the benefit, please join us for the study. We plan to get back to Schick's around 7:30pm to start.

-Heather & Taryn

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Monday, 7/13

Just a reminder that Bible study will be at Schick's @ 7pm.

For those of you in Morton, meet at church @ 6:15pm to drive over together.

*Taryn and I will NOT be meeting at church. We will be at Oak Run for the day so we will just meet at Schick's.

Hope you all had a wonderful day today! What a beautiful day to worship our Savior!!

Love & prayers.

-Heather & Taryn

Friday, July 10, 2009

Uhh... boys.

So you all know I am a big fan of Focus on the Family. Frequently (ok, daily) listen to Dr. Dobson's radio broadcast.

A few days ago they aired an interview with Elisabeth Elliot. You may have heard of her before. She is the author of Passion and Purity and wife of late missionary, Jim Elliot (movie End of the Spear ring any bells?). The interview has 2 parts and aired on July 7th & 8th. It's titled Sexuality and Singles.

Elisabeth shares her story about becoming engaged to Jim and her 2 husbands after him -all while never seeking out a man. Her standards were high and she was focused on Christ. She was definitely at the top of the tree!!

I encourage you to go to Focus on the Family's website and listen to the 2 broadcasts on there. You will be glad you took the time!

Love and prayers,
Heather (and Taryn (I am sure she supports this too!))

Monday, July 6, 2009

BS Tonight

Hey girls!

Sorry for the late notice, but just a reminder that bible study will be tonight at 7pm at Taryn's house in Morton: 317 N. Second Ave. Give her a call if you need directions (309-360-3019).

See you then!

-Taryn & Heather

Monday, June 22, 2009


Sorry for the late post. Blogger has not been friendly lately.

Bible study is tonight@ Katie & Heidi Schick's @ 7:00pm.

If you live in Morton (or close and don't want to drive on your own), we plan to meet at church @ 6:15pm.

We are going over weeks 1 & 2.

Remember, we will NOT MEET next week as it is the last week of the month (6/29).

July 6th we will meet and go over weeks 3 & 4.

See you all tonight!!

Heather & Taryn

Monday, June 8, 2009


1. Books.
Books are arriving Wednesday. The book is $10.19 and the workbook (companion guide) is $11.19. I have to run some errands in Peoria on Wednesday and would be happy to deliver some books while I'm there. For your Princeville girls, I can get them to my Grandma Knobloch or if it would be easier I can get them to one you on Wed. Any suggestions?

2. Monday, June 15th
Our next Bible study will be Monday, June 15th @ 7:00pm at Joy Hangartner's house in Eureka. Her address is 512 Ridge Lane in Eureka.

3. List
Please check the lists below to make sure I've got you down for the right book(s).

Book & Workbook
-Lindsay P
-Lindsey K

Workbook ONLY

Let me know ASAP if we forgot anyone!

4. Blah, blah, blah!
I know I speak for both Taryn and myself when I say that we are SUPER excited for this study! You are an amazing group of girls and we love you very much! I can't wait to find out what God will teach us and how we will grow through this study! See you all Monday night!

-Heather & Taryn

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Do you need a Bible Study book?

Hi, Girls!

Three things...

1. Lies Young Women Believe Book + Work Book
We will be getting these books in the next day or so. Please comment and let us know if you need a book, a work book, or both. If you already have both books, tell us that as well so we know you are taken care of.

2. First Bible Study
The first bible study will be on Monday, June 8 after Morton's VBS. Anyone coming is welcome to come to VBS in Morton! We will then meet at Taryn's house afterward. If you would like to just meet up with us for the bible study and not for VBS, plan on arriving between 8:30-8:45. Let me know if you need directions ( live at 317 N. Second Ave.

3. Have a wonderful day!
Thanks to everyone who came to the supper picnic at Grand View Drive last weekend... we had a BLAST! I may post some pictures in a day or so just for fun. Also, keeping smiling and have a GREAT day.

Love you all!

Taryn & Heather

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pray for the Cox family

I am sure most of you are aware that Jenna's mom is expected to meet Jesus soon.

Jenna has asked for us to "please pray that her business here on earth could be fulfilled and completed, her passing away from this life to the next is peaceful and all of this may be for His glory."

We love you Jenna and are praying for you, your mom and your family!!

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Psalm 116:15

Monday, May 25, 2009


Picnic, Prayer & Praise

Saturday, May 30th @ 6:00pm

Grandview Park (on Grandview Dr.)

Tess has kindly offered to bring and play a guitar to lead some worship. Thanks Tess!!

Here is an updated list of the food...
  • sandwiches -T & H
  • chips-Rachel
  • carrots & celery -KaraLea
  • broccoli & cauliflower -KaraLea
  • veggie dip/ranch dressing
  • oranges
  • grapes
  • strawberries -Jenna
  • apples
  • cookies (or other amazing dessert) -Maria
  • cookies (or other amazing dessert) -Mandy
  • brownies -Tess
  • any other high caloric food you can think of (example: CANDY) -Jenna
  • soda -Rachel
  • bottled water
I think we only need to plan on food for 10.

I am not sure if everyone is getting the email and checking the blog. If you know someone who is interested in joining GBS or who has said they will be a part of GBS this summer, please check and make sure they know about Saturday. I don't want to leave anyone out just because I didn't have their contact info.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! See you on SATURDAY!!

love & prayers-

Friday, May 15, 2009

May 30th -You won't want to miss this!

WHAT: Picnic, Prayer & Praise

WHEN: Saturday, May 30th @ 6:00pm

WHERE: Grandview Park (on Grandview Dr.)

WHY: Seriously. Do we really need a reason??

We will be having a potluck picnic followed by some praise and prayer time.

A few things..

Anyone play the guitar and want to volunteer to lead some worship? Comment.

We decided on a potluck. This means everyone contributes! Taryn and I will provide the sandwiches, but we'll need help with the chips, veggies, fruit, dessert & drinks.
Comment with the item(s) you will bring:
  • sandwiches -T & H
  • chips-Rachel
  • chips
  • carrots & celery -KaraLea
  • broccoli & cauliflower -KaraLea
  • veggie dip/ranch dressing
  • oranges
  • grapes
  • strawberries -Jenna
  • apples
  • cookies (or other amazing dessert) -Maria
  • cookies (or other amazing dessert) -Mandy
  • brownies -Tess
  • any other high caloric food you can think of (example: CANDY) -Jenna
  • soda -Rachel
  • bottled water
Pick an item or two you can bring and leave a comment letting us know. Bring enough food for 14 people.

We'll plan on you coming unless we hear otherwise.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Final Head Count.

If you want in, speak now or forever hold your peace!

We need to order our books in the next week or two and I need a final commitment if I haven't gotten one already. I am counting you in if your name is on the roll call to the right. If you aren't on there, leave a comment and I'll add you. If you are on there and don't want to be, leave a comment and I'll delete you.

I will be ordering them from For His Glory here in Morton. I need to stop in and get a price on the books now that I know closer to the number we need. We will get some sort of a discount, but I am not sure exactly how much yet.

Also, anyone have ideas for our May 30th get together? Your stuck with whatever Taryn and I come up with if you don't give your input!!!! HAAAA!

Hang in there! Only a couple more weeks left until SUMMER!!

love & prayers,

Friday, May 1, 2009

May 30th... can I get a final vote?

Happy May Day!!

It looks like May 30th will work the best for us to get together.

Someone said there are possibly testimonies in Peoria that night. Can we confirm this? Would you all be wanting/willing to get together after testimonies?

Does May 30th work for you?

Hope you are all enjoying this wonderful FRIDAY!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

VBS ...what to do?

Does anyone know dates for VBS at their church?

Morton's is the week of June 8th- our first Bible study date.

I know that with June we will run into VBS for several of the weeks, so we need to decide what we want to do the weeks we have Bible Study scheduled and there is VBS.

Here are a few options:
  1. We could pick a church to go to for VBS, then to someone's house that is close to church for Bible study after.
  2. Meet before VBS, it would have to be around 5:00pm to get in our study and all the talking that will be done.
  3. Skip Bible study for those weeks.
  4. Skip the Monday night of VBS and do the Bible study instead.
I vote we still go to VBS and would support meeting either before or after to do the study. I hate to put it off until VBS is done for each church, because that will be the end of June.

Opinions?? I know you got 'em!

Monday, April 27, 2009

GBS May Get Together

Ok...since I didn't stay on top of this before, we will try it again.

Copy and paste in a comment with a yes or no.

Friday, May 15th
Saturday, May 16th
Sunday, May 17th
Friday, May 22nd
Sunday, May 24th
Saturday, May 30th

I doubt we will find a date when everyone can come, but we'll do our best. And seriously, if you can't cancel your plans to come, then it's not my problem that you don't have your priorities straight!!! :-)

Love & prayers-

Lies YOUNG Women Believe

Thanks for looking into which book would be better suited for the study, girls!!

So, I am officially announcing that we will be doing...

As for our big get together before we begin the study, I should probably get on that. I am at school right now (actually in the middle of class, but we had a test and I got done so I have 20 minutes till I have to be back- just explaining that to let you know I don't support skipping class. No! No!!!) and don't have my calendar in front of me, but I will toss out a few dates/times later tonight when I get home.

Taryn and I also have a surprise for you girls!!

It is really cool.

As in, we made it ourselves.

And I am jealous that we didn't make enough for Taryn and I to both get one.

It's ok though. Maybe we'll just have to make more.

Hope you all had a wonderful Monday! Hang in there, summer is just a few weeks away!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

T-Shirt Designs

Hi, Girls!

We had discussed the possibility of getting GBS t-shirts. Below are a couple of ideas for designs. Colors can easily be changed, so don't base your decision completely off of that, but I would like everyone to pick a favorite. Vote for your design/concept of choice in the poll on the right. Also, if you have a creative idea, PLEASE share! I am open to ideas for wording/designs, so let me know!

Karalea- you had talked to me recently about the style of the t-shirt. Can you please leave a comment and explain what that is? Thanks!


Design 1 Front

Design 1 Back

Design 2 Front
Design 2 Back

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Finding a date...

It looks like Saturday and Sunday got the most votes. I'm going to list a few dates/times and I need you all you comment letting us know which of the dates/times given work for you. Just copy and paste the following dates and add a YES or NO after each time if you are available then.

I like Tess' idea of making food for someone. We can make a meal for a family (or several families) and enough for all of us to eat also.

Here are the dates/times:

Saturday, April 18th
Sunday, April 19th
Saturday, April 25th
Sunday, April 26th
Saturday, May 2nd
Sunday, May 3rd
Saturday May 9th
Saturday, May 16th
Sunday, May 17th

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Girls Night

Hello! Hello!! HELLO!!!

Oh, how I miss you girls!

Thursdays are just not the same without you all.

We talked about getting together each month for a time of prayer and encouragement and I am looking forward to it.

We need to sat a date. And a place. Is there a night/morning/afternoon that works best for you? I am posting a poll (on the right) to get your input. I will set it so you can vote for more than once choice, so vote for each day/time that works for you. We will got with majority on this one.

Any ideas for where to meet? And what to do? We can do something fun (volunteer, make & deliver cookies/goodies, have a spa night, etc.) or we can just get together. Whatever you girls want to do.

Love & prayers-

Monday, March 30, 2009

Prayer Requests

Happy Monday!

Its the start of a new week filled with opportunities to make our requests known to God!!

If you have a prayer request (or 2 or 3) that you would like others to pray for, share them in the comment area.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Prayer Requests

Happy Monday!

Its the start of a new week filled with opportunities to make our requests known to God!!

If you have a prayer request (or 2 or 3) that you would like others to pray for, share them in the comment area.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Prayer Requests

Happy Monday!

Its the start of a new week filled with opportunities to make our requests known to God!!

If you have a prayer request (or 2 or 3) that you would like others to pray for, share them in the comment area.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Prayer Requests

Happy Monday!

Its the start of a new week filled with opportunities to make our requests known to God!!

If you have a prayer request (or 2 or 3) that you would like others to pray for, share them in the comment area.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


NO! Not THAT announcement! I'm announcing our next Bible study!

Coming June 2009...

Lies Women Believe
*Monday nights

* We will meet the first 3 Mondays of each month, and then take the 4th Monday off. We'll see how it goes for June and we can always switch back to every-other week if it is too much. Since June has 5 Mondays (and school will still be in session for some of you on the 1st) let's do the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Mondays and take the 5th one off.

If you are committed to doing the Bible study on Monday nights, please let us know by voting (in the top right corner) and also leave a comment with your name and email. Once I see that you are in, I'll add your name to the list on the right side of the blog.


Friday, March 6, 2009

Prayer Requests

I thought it would be neat to have a place where we can post prayer requests and also updates/praises on previous requests.

After thinking about this, the best way I could come up with is to do a prayer post each week and we can add requests in the comment section. By doing this, you would leave a request in the comments and you can also write a little note letting others know you are praying for them.

I'm posting this tonight, but from now on I'll set it up to post each Monday morning. We'll try it for a few weeks to see how it goes.



Can I just say that I love you girls? You have no idea how amazing you are. Each of you have touched my heart in such a special way. It excites me to hear your hearts, the passion you have for Christ and the burden that each of you have for the lost! You girls are each so special and each bring your own unique piece to complete our beautiful puzzle. How was that for an analogy?!?! :-)

Ok, I'm done being sappy.'s late and I'm full of Chex Mix and chocolate.

Here is the plan.

Saturday, March 7th

We will watch the last session with Beth.
Bring Kleenex, I have a feeling it will be a sad farewell.

We will decide on our next study.
Here are the choices we thought of tonight. *Feel free to bring other options with you, these are just the ones that we thought of off the top of our heads!

Take a look at the books online or stop by a bookstore (Barnes & Nobles and Borders should both carry them).

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World

2. Lies Young Women Believe

This one has a companion (study) guide that goes with the book.

3. Lies Women Believe

This one also has a companion guide.

We will try to set a day/time to meet this summer.

We will also plan our sleepover!! And talk more about 30 Hour Famine.

Bring your calendars!


Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Girls Bible Study

THIS Thursday @ 6:15pm

@ Taryn's house (317 N Second, Morton)

Don't forget to bring:
  1. a few suggestions for the next Bible study
  2. names & emails of girls who may want to join us next session
  3. your summer schedule
  4. gifts for your amazing leaders/facilitators
So just joking on that last one, but don't forget to bring the first 3.

We will also talk about and plan Andrea's baby shower since according to our handy poll in the upper right corner, you all want to throw her a shower!!! If you have ideas for a theme, games, food, etc.- bring them!


Coming from Interstate 74W
  • Take the 1st Morton Exit & turn R at the stop sign (you can only turn R) onto N. Morton Ave.
  • Go through 1st light
  • Turn L at next light (onto Jackson St.)
  • Go straight through 4-way stop
  • Turn R onto 2nd St.
  • My house is the 2-story yellow one on the R (317)

Coming from 150E
  • 150 will bring you into Morton and will turn into Jackson St.
  • You will pass the high school on your L and the Jr. High will be on the R
  • Turn L onto 2nd St., which is across from the Jr. High
  • My house is the 2-story yellow one on the R (317)

Let Taryn know if you need further direction or if you get lost! (309.360.3019).

See you all on Thursday!

-Heather & Taryn

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Here is a link to a list of Beth Moore studies listed on The site gives a short description of each study. has video samples of the DVDs for each study. The promo and trailer for Esther is here. For a complete listing of Beth's studies, enter "beth moore bible study dvd leader kit" in the search box. The video clips are under the "DVD Leader Kit" for each study.


Friday, February 20, 2009


I just changed the comment option. It should now be open for everyone to comment, even if you do not have a Blogger account. Sorry if you tried before and it did not let you.


Hello and welcome to our blog!

We are now official... and a little nerdy. :)

Add it to your favorites right now so you don't forget. You will want to have it handy to check each week.

Why a blog?
Other than the fact they are cool, the purpose of the blog is to enhance communication about upcoming studies. Now no one will have to do a mass email while praying they remembered to include everyone. It is now your responsibility to check the blog and see what is going on. Ok?

There is an email account for Bible study:
A contact list has already been set up in the email. It contains all the girls who were on the "Bible Study Contact List" email Larissa sent out last September. If you received that, you are good. If you did not receive that email, send a friendly email to and you will be added to the list. If you know someone who was on that list and no longer wants to be in GBS, send an email so we can take them off the list.

We discussed a few things at Brittany's house on 2/19
  1. The next Bible Study will be at Taryn's house (317 N Third, Morton) on March 5th.
  2. Spend the next couple of weeks looking into other Bible studies. Bring details on 2-3 that you would like to do next time. We will see which ones had the most interest and decide on one then.
  3. Bring the names and emails of girls you would like to invite to join our GBS. We do not want to exclude anyone.
  4. If you know it already (yeah right!), bring your summer schedule. We decided to take a short break until closer to the end of the semester (Mayish) before starting another study. This means that the next one will be over the summer. So think about which night you prefer and how often you could do it (every week vs. every-other week).
  5. Taryn is working on a few t-shirt designs for us. She will post them on the blog so make sure you check for those.
One more little thing to discuss. Andrea is due March 3rd. I know most of you girls have been with her for 2 years now for Bible study. This is completely up to you girls (but I just had to toss it out there) if we would want to throw her a little Baby Shower once the baby arrives. It's just a suggestion and I want your input. Even if we would all go in on one gift (to help keep cost down) we would still have an excuse to get together and see the baby (and Andrea). A poll has been posted on the sidebar, so please express your opinion there.

That's all.

For now.

Now grab your study, your Bible, find a quiet corner and get to work!! STUDY! STUDY! STUDY!

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