Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Girls Bible Study

THIS Thursday @ 6:15pm

@ Taryn's house (317 N Second, Morton)

Don't forget to bring:
  1. a few suggestions for the next Bible study
  2. names & emails of girls who may want to join us next session
  3. your summer schedule
  4. gifts for your amazing leaders/facilitators
So just joking on that last one, but don't forget to bring the first 3.

We will also talk about and plan Andrea's baby shower since according to our handy poll in the upper right corner, you all want to throw her a shower!!! If you have ideas for a theme, games, food, etc.- bring them!


Coming from Interstate 74W
  • Take the 1st Morton Exit & turn R at the stop sign (you can only turn R) onto N. Morton Ave.
  • Go through 1st light
  • Turn L at next light (onto Jackson St.)
  • Go straight through 4-way stop
  • Turn R onto 2nd St.
  • My house is the 2-story yellow one on the R (317)

Coming from 150E
  • 150 will bring you into Morton and will turn into Jackson St.
  • You will pass the high school on your L and the Jr. High will be on the R
  • Turn L onto 2nd St., which is across from the Jr. High
  • My house is the 2-story yellow one on the R (317)

Let Taryn know if you need further direction or if you get lost! (309.360.3019).

See you all on Thursday!

-Heather & Taryn

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