Monday, April 27, 2009

Lies YOUNG Women Believe

Thanks for looking into which book would be better suited for the study, girls!!

So, I am officially announcing that we will be doing...

As for our big get together before we begin the study, I should probably get on that. I am at school right now (actually in the middle of class, but we had a test and I got done so I have 20 minutes till I have to be back- just explaining that to let you know I don't support skipping class. No! No!!!) and don't have my calendar in front of me, but I will toss out a few dates/times later tonight when I get home.

Taryn and I also have a surprise for you girls!!

It is really cool.

As in, we made it ourselves.

And I am jealous that we didn't make enough for Taryn and I to both get one.

It's ok though. Maybe we'll just have to make more.

Hope you all had a wonderful Monday! Hang in there, summer is just a few weeks away!!!

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