Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Girls Night

Hello! Hello!! HELLO!!!

Oh, how I miss you girls!

Thursdays are just not the same without you all.

We talked about getting together each month for a time of prayer and encouragement and I am looking forward to it.

We need to sat a date. And a place. Is there a night/morning/afternoon that works best for you? I am posting a poll (on the right) to get your input. I will set it so you can vote for more than once choice, so vote for each day/time that works for you. We will got with majority on this one.

Any ideas for where to meet? And what to do? We can do something fun (volunteer, make & deliver cookies/goodies, have a spa night, etc.) or we can just get together. Whatever you girls want to do.

Love & prayers-

1 comment:

Tessa Larae said...

we should make some sort of meal for some sort of family at some sort of time some time.

the only night I absolutly couldn't do it it Tuesday night..

so yup there's my two cents


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