Friday, July 10, 2009

Uhh... boys.

So you all know I am a big fan of Focus on the Family. Frequently (ok, daily) listen to Dr. Dobson's radio broadcast.

A few days ago they aired an interview with Elisabeth Elliot. You may have heard of her before. She is the author of Passion and Purity and wife of late missionary, Jim Elliot (movie End of the Spear ring any bells?). The interview has 2 parts and aired on July 7th & 8th. It's titled Sexuality and Singles.

Elisabeth shares her story about becoming engaged to Jim and her 2 husbands after him -all while never seeking out a man. Her standards were high and she was focused on Christ. She was definitely at the top of the tree!!

I encourage you to go to Focus on the Family's website and listen to the 2 broadcasts on there. You will be glad you took the time!

Love and prayers,
Heather (and Taryn (I am sure she supports this too!))

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