Sunday, May 10, 2009

Final Head Count.

If you want in, speak now or forever hold your peace!

We need to order our books in the next week or two and I need a final commitment if I haven't gotten one already. I am counting you in if your name is on the roll call to the right. If you aren't on there, leave a comment and I'll add you. If you are on there and don't want to be, leave a comment and I'll delete you.

I will be ordering them from For His Glory here in Morton. I need to stop in and get a price on the books now that I know closer to the number we need. We will get some sort of a discount, but I am not sure exactly how much yet.

Also, anyone have ideas for our May 30th get together? Your stuck with whatever Taryn and I come up with if you don't give your input!!!! HAAAA!

Hang in there! Only a couple more weeks left until SUMMER!!

love & prayers,


Larissa said...

hey what day do we start again? and I dont remember, are we doing it every other week? I know i liked our idea, i just dont remember what it was...

Unknown said...

I think I can make it on the 30th and definitely for the rest of the Bible studies, but do NOT but me a book, I already have one!! I got one for Christmas and haven't started it so that will be perfect!!! thanks so much!
Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

We said we would start the 8th so that everyone will be out of school. I couldn't remember what we decided either. I looked back through the blog and found this:

"We will meet the first 3 Mondays of each month, and then take the 4th Monday off. We'll see how it goes for June and we can always switch back to every-other week if it is too much. Since June has 5 Mondays (and school will still be in session for some of you on the 1st) let's do the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Mondays and take the 5th one off."

Good thing I wrote it down!

Mandy said...

i'm going to be in mexico for 5 weeks between june and july so probably don't buy a book for me cuz i won't be able to make most of the meetings but i'll still come to the ones i can make it to

Katie said...

i also have the book but not the workbook (if there is one) so you don't have to order the book for me, but order the workbook(if there is one)....sorry that was confusing :)

Ellie Hoerr said...

hey I'm not 100% if I'm doing the biblestudy but i should probably put my name on the list except I'm not sure how to do that so if someone could tell me how to do that or add me that would be great! thanks


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