Wednesday, April 29, 2009

VBS ...what to do?

Does anyone know dates for VBS at their church?

Morton's is the week of June 8th- our first Bible study date.

I know that with June we will run into VBS for several of the weeks, so we need to decide what we want to do the weeks we have Bible Study scheduled and there is VBS.

Here are a few options:
  1. We could pick a church to go to for VBS, then to someone's house that is close to church for Bible study after.
  2. Meet before VBS, it would have to be around 5:00pm to get in our study and all the talking that will be done.
  3. Skip Bible study for those weeks.
  4. Skip the Monday night of VBS and do the Bible study instead.
I vote we still go to VBS and would support meeting either before or after to do the study. I hate to put it off until VBS is done for each church, because that will be the end of June.

Opinions?? I know you got 'em!


Tessa Larae said...

don't worry about washington, we already had our vbs in the form of a retreat. so, we done.

Girls Bible Study said...

Thanks for letting us know. Do the rest of you not have VBS? Or why am I not getting any responses?

Larissa said...

I dont know when Peoria's VBS is but i like your idea Heather. maybe we can try to go to that church's Mon. nite VBS and then get together right afterwards or somethin.

Rachel Streitmatter said...

Peoria's is the same week as Morton, but I think we would all be up for meeting before or after.


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