Thursday, July 16, 2009

*CHANGE of schedule for July 20th -BENEFIT!

This coming Monday (July 20th) there is a fudraiser for Michelle Loesch. Several GBS girls are friends with Michelle and we've been praying for her as she battles cancer.

The fundraiser is at the Pizza Hut in Kewanee from 5:00pm-7:00pm.

We will meet at Schick's at 5:00pm and drive over the Kewanee together.

Anyone who lives in or close to Morton, we will meet at Morton church @ 4:15pm. Please be on time. If you plan to come and don't want to be left, leave a message so we plan on you.

I know it's earlier than usual, but we get to spend time together, eat, and support a wonderful woman in her battle with cancer!!

After the benefit we will go back to Schick's and do week 6 in LYWB.

If you can't come to the benefit, please join us for the study. We plan to get back to Schick's around 7:30pm to start.

-Heather & Taryn


Unknown said...

I will NOT be there!!!! I'm on vacation!! Have fun! love you all!

Jenna said...

hey, i WILL be there. our vacay got bumped back a week. can't wait to support michelle and michelle's support.


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