Monday, May 25, 2009


Picnic, Prayer & Praise

Saturday, May 30th @ 6:00pm

Grandview Park (on Grandview Dr.)

Tess has kindly offered to bring and play a guitar to lead some worship. Thanks Tess!!

Here is an updated list of the food...
  • sandwiches -T & H
  • chips-Rachel
  • carrots & celery -KaraLea
  • broccoli & cauliflower -KaraLea
  • veggie dip/ranch dressing
  • oranges
  • grapes
  • strawberries -Jenna
  • apples
  • cookies (or other amazing dessert) -Maria
  • cookies (or other amazing dessert) -Mandy
  • brownies -Tess
  • any other high caloric food you can think of (example: CANDY) -Jenna
  • soda -Rachel
  • bottled water
I think we only need to plan on food for 10.

I am not sure if everyone is getting the email and checking the blog. If you know someone who is interested in joining GBS or who has said they will be a part of GBS this summer, please check and make sure they know about Saturday. I don't want to leave anyone out just because I didn't have their contact info.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! See you on SATURDAY!!

love & prayers-


Katie said...

i can do grapes and the ranch dressing/veggie dip....looking forward to it!

Jenna said...

hey, i won't be able to make it after all this Saturday.
also, i'd like to submit a prayer request for my mom. her doctor informed us that her time on earth won't be too much longer, so please pray that her business here on earth could be fulfilled and completed, her passing away from this life to the next is peaceful and all of this may be for His glory. thanks.

Unknown said...

hey I'm sooo sorry,I will not be able to make it!! I forgot that I took a babysitting job about 4 months ago. Sorry, I would have LOVED to come!! hope all you girls have fun!! love you all!

Anonymous said...

Katie- thanks!

Jenna- we are praying! we love you so very much!

Maria- we will miss you!


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