WHEN: Saturday, May 30th @ 6:00pm
WHERE: Grandview Park (on Grandview Dr.)
WHY: Seriously. Do we really need a reason??
We will be having a potluck picnic followed by some praise and prayer time.
A few things..
Anyone play the guitar and want to volunteer to lead some worship? Comment.
We decided on a potluck. This means everyone contributes! Taryn and I will provide the sandwiches, but we'll need help with the chips, veggies, fruit, dessert & drinks.
Comment with the item(s) you will bring:
- sandwiches -T & H
- chips-Rachel
- chips
- carrots & celery -KaraLea
- broccoli & cauliflower -KaraLea
- veggie dip/ranch dressing
- oranges
- grapes
- strawberries -Jenna
- apples
- cookies (or other amazing dessert) -Maria
- cookies (or other amazing dessert) -Mandy
- brownies -Tess
- any other high caloric food you can think of (example: CANDY) -Jenna
- soda -Rachel
- bottled water
We'll plan on you coming unless we hear otherwise.
I can bring carrots & celery and broccoli & cauliflower
ok im kinda in Maria's situation. I have my grad party on the 31 and so idk if my mom will need my help at night or not. i will most likely be able to come later for sure though!
Yeah! I'm glad you girls are still going to come late! That's totally fine. And Maria, we never turn down dessert!!
hey, this sounds like so much fun! i can bring whatever. perhaps cookies, brownies, or some sort of dessert? i love to bake ;)
i'll bring candy and strawberries. candy for 14? is that like 1 bag per person?
I'll bring chips and soda. But I'm not sure what kinds and how much of either. Whatever you guys think is fine with me, just let me know so I can get it in time.
Jenna...definitely one bag per person!!! haha!
Oh and quick question...What is the difference between lies Young women believe and the one without the young?! Just wondering!
Don't forget to let me know about the chips and soda!!! Love you all, hope you're having a very blessed week!
I can bring muh (meaning my sisters) guitar and "lead" if ya'll wanna do some worship singing... unless someone already wants to! or if nobody wants to actually sing...
oh and I can bring brownies
ps. I just found out I'm working from 4-7 so I won't be there till about 7:45 so save some food cause I'll be starving!
Mandy- Whatever you want to bring. If it's sweet or chocolaty I can guarantee we will love it!
Rachel- Bring whatever kind you like. You can get some 2 liters and I'll make sure to bring cups. Also, there is a difference in the books. The Young Women focuses more on the lies that we believe as young, single women. Lies Women Believe covers some of the same lies, but it also covers marriage and family lies and other ones that don't really apply to where we are at in life right now. Does that help?
Tess- Guitar sounds wonderful! We'd love to have some worship and love it if you'd be kind enough to lead it for us. If you still wanna bring brownies, we'll eat them, and we will for sure save you some food.
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