Wednesday, April 29, 2009

VBS ...what to do?

Does anyone know dates for VBS at their church?

Morton's is the week of June 8th- our first Bible study date.

I know that with June we will run into VBS for several of the weeks, so we need to decide what we want to do the weeks we have Bible Study scheduled and there is VBS.

Here are a few options:
  1. We could pick a church to go to for VBS, then to someone's house that is close to church for Bible study after.
  2. Meet before VBS, it would have to be around 5:00pm to get in our study and all the talking that will be done.
  3. Skip Bible study for those weeks.
  4. Skip the Monday night of VBS and do the Bible study instead.
I vote we still go to VBS and would support meeting either before or after to do the study. I hate to put it off until VBS is done for each church, because that will be the end of June.

Opinions?? I know you got 'em!

Monday, April 27, 2009

GBS May Get Together

Ok...since I didn't stay on top of this before, we will try it again.

Copy and paste in a comment with a yes or no.

Friday, May 15th
Saturday, May 16th
Sunday, May 17th
Friday, May 22nd
Sunday, May 24th
Saturday, May 30th

I doubt we will find a date when everyone can come, but we'll do our best. And seriously, if you can't cancel your plans to come, then it's not my problem that you don't have your priorities straight!!! :-)

Love & prayers-

Lies YOUNG Women Believe

Thanks for looking into which book would be better suited for the study, girls!!

So, I am officially announcing that we will be doing...

As for our big get together before we begin the study, I should probably get on that. I am at school right now (actually in the middle of class, but we had a test and I got done so I have 20 minutes till I have to be back- just explaining that to let you know I don't support skipping class. No! No!!!) and don't have my calendar in front of me, but I will toss out a few dates/times later tonight when I get home.

Taryn and I also have a surprise for you girls!!

It is really cool.

As in, we made it ourselves.

And I am jealous that we didn't make enough for Taryn and I to both get one.

It's ok though. Maybe we'll just have to make more.

Hope you all had a wonderful Monday! Hang in there, summer is just a few weeks away!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

T-Shirt Designs

Hi, Girls!

We had discussed the possibility of getting GBS t-shirts. Below are a couple of ideas for designs. Colors can easily be changed, so don't base your decision completely off of that, but I would like everyone to pick a favorite. Vote for your design/concept of choice in the poll on the right. Also, if you have a creative idea, PLEASE share! I am open to ideas for wording/designs, so let me know!

Karalea- you had talked to me recently about the style of the t-shirt. Can you please leave a comment and explain what that is? Thanks!


Design 1 Front

Design 1 Back

Design 2 Front
Design 2 Back

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Finding a date...

It looks like Saturday and Sunday got the most votes. I'm going to list a few dates/times and I need you all you comment letting us know which of the dates/times given work for you. Just copy and paste the following dates and add a YES or NO after each time if you are available then.

I like Tess' idea of making food for someone. We can make a meal for a family (or several families) and enough for all of us to eat also.

Here are the dates/times:

Saturday, April 18th
Sunday, April 19th
Saturday, April 25th
Sunday, April 26th
Saturday, May 2nd
Sunday, May 3rd
Saturday May 9th
Saturday, May 16th
Sunday, May 17th

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Girls Night

Hello! Hello!! HELLO!!!

Oh, how I miss you girls!

Thursdays are just not the same without you all.

We talked about getting together each month for a time of prayer and encouragement and I am looking forward to it.

We need to sat a date. And a place. Is there a night/morning/afternoon that works best for you? I am posting a poll (on the right) to get your input. I will set it so you can vote for more than once choice, so vote for each day/time that works for you. We will got with majority on this one.

Any ideas for where to meet? And what to do? We can do something fun (volunteer, make & deliver cookies/goodies, have a spa night, etc.) or we can just get together. Whatever you girls want to do.

Love & prayers-

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