Monday, March 9, 2009

Prayer Requests

Happy Monday!

Its the start of a new week filled with opportunities to make our requests known to God!!

If you have a prayer request (or 2 or 3) that you would like others to pray for, share them in the comment area.


Jacki Stickling said...

if you could continue to pray for my friend lindsey. the guy that she was "going out with" decided to leave her in the dust and go out with one of lindsey close friends. (that's a slap-in-the-face if you ask me) and she was really torn up about. and now at school that's the big drama case now. so just pray that she will let it go and not to fix things herself. help her to ask God for the wisdom she needs.

thanks girls! this is a great idea, heather!!

KaraLea Thames said...

Hey Girls,
if you could remember to lift up the people going on the Agua Prieta mission trip that would be great! Also pray for a friend that is going on this trip that isn't a christian. His name is Jason Kieser so just pray that God would soften his heart. THANKS!!

Tessa Larae said...

In general just pray for our spring breaks... No matter when they are, what we are doing, or where we may be going... pray that we stay focused on Christ, and give every bit of our week off to Him!

PS. thanks for makin this blog heather! I LOVE it!

Anonymous said...

We're praying girls!!!


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