Friday, March 6, 2009

Prayer Requests

I thought it would be neat to have a place where we can post prayer requests and also updates/praises on previous requests.

After thinking about this, the best way I could come up with is to do a prayer post each week and we can add requests in the comment section. By doing this, you would leave a request in the comments and you can also write a little note letting others know you are praying for them.

I'm posting this tonight, but from now on I'll set it up to post each Monday morning. We'll try it for a few weeks to see how it goes.



Anonymous said...

I think that's a great idea Heather!
My prayer request is just please continue to pray for Jenna. Thanks so much to everyone who does, I hope our prayer is answered! Love, Rach

KaraLea Thames said...

Hey girls,
This week I pray that God will really lay it on yours (and mine) to put all these names down on a note card and put them in your bible to be a reminder to pray EVERYDAY! My prayer requests are the same. Kristy, Hannah, & Josh. thanks girls

Unknown said...

Hey girls!
please keep praying for jenna

also for my family, pray that God can work in my life to show them and for me to be that example

God is MIGHTY to SAVE!
thanks love you all!


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