Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Do you need a Bible Study book?

Hi, Girls!

Three things...

1. Lies Young Women Believe Book + Work Book
We will be getting these books in the next day or so. Please comment and let us know if you need a book, a work book, or both. If you already have both books, tell us that as well so we know you are taken care of.

2. First Bible Study
The first bible study will be on Monday, June 8 after Morton's VBS. Anyone coming is welcome to come to VBS in Morton! We will then meet at Taryn's house afterward. If you would like to just meet up with us for the bible study and not for VBS, plan on arriving between 8:30-8:45. Let me know if you need directions ( live at 317 N. Second Ave.

3. Have a wonderful day!
Thanks to everyone who came to the supper picnic at Grand View Drive last weekend... we had a BLAST! I may post some pictures in a day or so just for fun. Also, keeping smiling and have a GREAT day.

Love you all!

Taryn & Heather


KaraLea Thames said...

Hi girls! i am so sorry i missed the picnic on saturday. we had so much to do around our house for my graduation party. I need a book and work book for the bible study. I do plan on being at the bible study this coming monday! very excited to get back into doing this with you girls :) thanks for all the efforts you have put into it for us. LOVE YOU!

Katie said...

Hi! heidi and i need 1 book and 2 workbooks. also lindsey is doing the Bible study and i don't know if she has checked this but i know she needs a book and workbook. also me and brittany won't be coming to the first Bible study because we have to help at VBS. thanks! katie

Rachel Streitmatter said...

Hey guys! I just love you girls so very very much and I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy our time together. I wish so badly I could have made it to the picnic (that's totally right at the top of Rachel's list of FUN!) but there was way too much going on!

I have an extremely important prayer request! My friend Michelle is at the worst she's ever been in her fight with cancer. She is very weak and has a very bad infection which WILL be fatal if it enters the blood stream. OSF is doing their best to keep that from happening, but PLEASE PRAY FOR HER!!! I just can't stress it enough and pray most of all that she would accept Jesus into her heart and let Him take over her life! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! Thank you.

I have no supplies, so I will need both the book and wkbk. Lord-willing, I will be at the 1st bible study after Peoria's VBS.

I love you all so dearly, please remember to pray, no matter how big or small a prayer, God will hear!

LARISSA said...

thanks for the prayer request Rach. i will definantly pray. and yes, i was in the same predicament Karalea was in on the 30th. it looked like fun though from the pics! im super excited for this to get started! I need a book and workbook paleeze. THANKYOU!

Tessa Larae said...

I need both books and so does Joy Hangartner! I talked to her last night and she is super excited to join us! I hope I'm not too late to get her one too... butyea she needs one

Whittney said...

thanks for the prayer request rach! i'll be praying for her.

and i do need a book and workbook, please and thank you!!

and i will be at the first study! can't wait! i'll prolly come for the vbs too. but not sure yet.

Jenna said...

I'm praying for Michelle! But thankful she has friend like you and a cousin like Kristi to tell her about Jesus.
I also need both the book and workbook. See you at the first GBS!

Unknown said...

I will def. pray for michelle, rach!

Sorry I missed the park picnic, I would have loved to come, gald to hear all of you had a wonderful time!

I have all the supplies! thanks for all you do Heather and Taryn!

love you all, keep shining for HIM!


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