Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pray for the Cox family

I am sure most of you are aware that Jenna's mom is expected to meet Jesus soon.

Jenna has asked for us to "please pray that her business here on earth could be fulfilled and completed, her passing away from this life to the next is peaceful and all of this may be for His glory."

We love you Jenna and are praying for you, your mom and your family!!

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Psalm 116:15

Monday, May 25, 2009


Picnic, Prayer & Praise

Saturday, May 30th @ 6:00pm

Grandview Park (on Grandview Dr.)

Tess has kindly offered to bring and play a guitar to lead some worship. Thanks Tess!!

Here is an updated list of the food...
  • sandwiches -T & H
  • chips-Rachel
  • carrots & celery -KaraLea
  • broccoli & cauliflower -KaraLea
  • veggie dip/ranch dressing
  • oranges
  • grapes
  • strawberries -Jenna
  • apples
  • cookies (or other amazing dessert) -Maria
  • cookies (or other amazing dessert) -Mandy
  • brownies -Tess
  • any other high caloric food you can think of (example: CANDY) -Jenna
  • soda -Rachel
  • bottled water
I think we only need to plan on food for 10.

I am not sure if everyone is getting the email and checking the blog. If you know someone who is interested in joining GBS or who has said they will be a part of GBS this summer, please check and make sure they know about Saturday. I don't want to leave anyone out just because I didn't have their contact info.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! See you on SATURDAY!!

love & prayers-

Friday, May 15, 2009

May 30th -You won't want to miss this!

WHAT: Picnic, Prayer & Praise

WHEN: Saturday, May 30th @ 6:00pm

WHERE: Grandview Park (on Grandview Dr.)

WHY: Seriously. Do we really need a reason??

We will be having a potluck picnic followed by some praise and prayer time.

A few things..

Anyone play the guitar and want to volunteer to lead some worship? Comment.

We decided on a potluck. This means everyone contributes! Taryn and I will provide the sandwiches, but we'll need help with the chips, veggies, fruit, dessert & drinks.
Comment with the item(s) you will bring:
  • sandwiches -T & H
  • chips-Rachel
  • chips
  • carrots & celery -KaraLea
  • broccoli & cauliflower -KaraLea
  • veggie dip/ranch dressing
  • oranges
  • grapes
  • strawberries -Jenna
  • apples
  • cookies (or other amazing dessert) -Maria
  • cookies (or other amazing dessert) -Mandy
  • brownies -Tess
  • any other high caloric food you can think of (example: CANDY) -Jenna
  • soda -Rachel
  • bottled water
Pick an item or two you can bring and leave a comment letting us know. Bring enough food for 14 people.

We'll plan on you coming unless we hear otherwise.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Final Head Count.

If you want in, speak now or forever hold your peace!

We need to order our books in the next week or two and I need a final commitment if I haven't gotten one already. I am counting you in if your name is on the roll call to the right. If you aren't on there, leave a comment and I'll add you. If you are on there and don't want to be, leave a comment and I'll delete you.

I will be ordering them from For His Glory here in Morton. I need to stop in and get a price on the books now that I know closer to the number we need. We will get some sort of a discount, but I am not sure exactly how much yet.

Also, anyone have ideas for our May 30th get together? Your stuck with whatever Taryn and I come up with if you don't give your input!!!! HAAAA!

Hang in there! Only a couple more weeks left until SUMMER!!

love & prayers,

Friday, May 1, 2009

May 30th... can I get a final vote?

Happy May Day!!

It looks like May 30th will work the best for us to get together.

Someone said there are possibly testimonies in Peoria that night. Can we confirm this? Would you all be wanting/willing to get together after testimonies?

Does May 30th work for you?

Hope you are all enjoying this wonderful FRIDAY!!!

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