Monday, March 30, 2009

Prayer Requests

Happy Monday!

Its the start of a new week filled with opportunities to make our requests known to God!!

If you have a prayer request (or 2 or 3) that you would like others to pray for, share them in the comment area.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Prayer Requests

Happy Monday!

Its the start of a new week filled with opportunities to make our requests known to God!!

If you have a prayer request (or 2 or 3) that you would like others to pray for, share them in the comment area.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Prayer Requests

Happy Monday!

Its the start of a new week filled with opportunities to make our requests known to God!!

If you have a prayer request (or 2 or 3) that you would like others to pray for, share them in the comment area.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Prayer Requests

Happy Monday!

Its the start of a new week filled with opportunities to make our requests known to God!!

If you have a prayer request (or 2 or 3) that you would like others to pray for, share them in the comment area.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


NO! Not THAT announcement! I'm announcing our next Bible study!

Coming June 2009...

Lies Women Believe
*Monday nights

* We will meet the first 3 Mondays of each month, and then take the 4th Monday off. We'll see how it goes for June and we can always switch back to every-other week if it is too much. Since June has 5 Mondays (and school will still be in session for some of you on the 1st) let's do the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Mondays and take the 5th one off.

If you are committed to doing the Bible study on Monday nights, please let us know by voting (in the top right corner) and also leave a comment with your name and email. Once I see that you are in, I'll add your name to the list on the right side of the blog.


Friday, March 6, 2009

Prayer Requests

I thought it would be neat to have a place where we can post prayer requests and also updates/praises on previous requests.

After thinking about this, the best way I could come up with is to do a prayer post each week and we can add requests in the comment section. By doing this, you would leave a request in the comments and you can also write a little note letting others know you are praying for them.

I'm posting this tonight, but from now on I'll set it up to post each Monday morning. We'll try it for a few weeks to see how it goes.



Can I just say that I love you girls? You have no idea how amazing you are. Each of you have touched my heart in such a special way. It excites me to hear your hearts, the passion you have for Christ and the burden that each of you have for the lost! You girls are each so special and each bring your own unique piece to complete our beautiful puzzle. How was that for an analogy?!?! :-)

Ok, I'm done being sappy.'s late and I'm full of Chex Mix and chocolate.

Here is the plan.

Saturday, March 7th

We will watch the last session with Beth.
Bring Kleenex, I have a feeling it will be a sad farewell.

We will decide on our next study.
Here are the choices we thought of tonight. *Feel free to bring other options with you, these are just the ones that we thought of off the top of our heads!

Take a look at the books online or stop by a bookstore (Barnes & Nobles and Borders should both carry them).

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World

2. Lies Young Women Believe

This one has a companion (study) guide that goes with the book.

3. Lies Women Believe

This one also has a companion guide.

We will try to set a day/time to meet this summer.

We will also plan our sleepover!! And talk more about 30 Hour Famine.

Bring your calendars!


Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Girls Bible Study

THIS Thursday @ 6:15pm

@ Taryn's house (317 N Second, Morton)

Don't forget to bring:
  1. a few suggestions for the next Bible study
  2. names & emails of girls who may want to join us next session
  3. your summer schedule
  4. gifts for your amazing leaders/facilitators
So just joking on that last one, but don't forget to bring the first 3.

We will also talk about and plan Andrea's baby shower since according to our handy poll in the upper right corner, you all want to throw her a shower!!! If you have ideas for a theme, games, food, etc.- bring them!


Coming from Interstate 74W
  • Take the 1st Morton Exit & turn R at the stop sign (you can only turn R) onto N. Morton Ave.
  • Go through 1st light
  • Turn L at next light (onto Jackson St.)
  • Go straight through 4-way stop
  • Turn R onto 2nd St.
  • My house is the 2-story yellow one on the R (317)

Coming from 150E
  • 150 will bring you into Morton and will turn into Jackson St.
  • You will pass the high school on your L and the Jr. High will be on the R
  • Turn L onto 2nd St., which is across from the Jr. High
  • My house is the 2-story yellow one on the R (317)

Let Taryn know if you need further direction or if you get lost! (309.360.3019).

See you all on Thursday!

-Heather & Taryn

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