We are now official... and a little nerdy. :)
Add it to your favorites right now so you don't forget. You will want to have it handy to check each week.
Why a blog?
Other than the fact they are cool, the purpose of the blog is to enhance communication about upcoming studies. Now no one will have to do a mass email while praying they remembered to include everyone. It is now your responsibility to check the blog and see what is going on. Ok?
There is an email account for Bible study: acgirlsbiblestudy@gmail.com
A contact list has already been set up in the email. It contains all the girls who were on the "Bible Study Contact List" email Larissa sent out last September. If you received that, you are good. If you did not receive that email, send a friendly email to acgirlsbiblestudy@gmail.com and you will be added to the list. If you know someone who was on that list and no longer wants to be in GBS, send an email so we can take them off the list.
We discussed a few things at Brittany's house on 2/19
- The next Bible Study will be at Taryn's house (317 N Third, Morton) on March 5th.
- Spend the next couple of weeks looking into other Bible studies. Bring details on 2-3 that you would like to do next time. We will see which ones had the most interest and decide on one then.
- Bring the names and emails of girls you would like to invite to join our GBS. We do not want to exclude anyone.
- If you know it already (yeah right!), bring your summer schedule. We decided to take a short break until closer to the end of the semester (Mayish) before starting another study. This means that the next one will be over the summer. So think about which night you prefer and how often you could do it (every week vs. every-other week).
- Taryn is working on a few t-shirt designs for us. She will post them on the blog so make sure you check for those.
That's all.
For now.
Now grab your study, your Bible, find a quiet corner and get to work!! STUDY! STUDY! STUDY!
Yea for Girl's Bible Study!!
Yay for blogs! Yay for the baby shower thing! Yay for t-shirts!
I'm so excited :]
yay..this is really exciting :)
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